'Juggling' like crazy....

Just as I was hoping for a stretch of calm and piece (I'm trying to write up a PhD and need to think!!!) life has gone completely crazy....

A couple of great looking consultancy projects are coming to life, the coaching is busy, people need more pictures and....

I've been back to Schumacher, partly to co-facilitate an Ashridge master's degree module but also to get a few shots of Charlie McConnell, the college director. Our schedules barely met and so I only had a few minutes to work with Charlie early in the morning before the day got going.

We chatted over photos and cups of tea and here are a couple of images from the shoot.


I like Charlie.  He's an amicable, likeable guy, you would warm to him... but I think what really attracted me was a curious sense of energising anger that he carries within him.  Charlie, I found out, has worked in some difficult, challenging situations all around the globe and has seen a few things....  

So now he turns his anger into commitment into activity, adressing environmental issues in his role as director - committed to doing stuff to change things - I admire that.



My favourite picture is one that might not appear on the PR material, but it has an intensity that brings a beauty with it.  

So maybe this picture below is the one that captures the essence I see in Charlie. I'm not going to try to describe it with words...  

And so over to you. I wonder what you are seeing...?  Who are you seeing?

And... just for a moment... back to 'Juggling'.  Ian Sanders sent me a copy of his new book titled appropriately enough, 'Juggle'.  I'm getting on quite nicely with its bite-size chunks - more in the next post!

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